Tuesday, February 27, 2007

next week

so, i'm not so good at this blog thing - most of the time i forget that i even have one and only manage a post once a month or so. but this will change! i'll start posting once a week. i'll have interesting stuff to write about. i'll have projects and insights and revelations!

but not this week.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

january is dead, long live february

i've been buried in work and projects and sickness (specifically sinus crap and food poisoning) and have been shunning most human contact . . . but now i am clawing my way back on top of the things i want and need to do. before the end of this month i need to have made serious progress towards getting a new job, doing my taxes, finding the scooter of my dreams and sorting through all my crap so i can get rid of some of it before i move again.

first, a look at my last week in january:
i went to san francisco and saw friends i hadn't seen in way too long. we took pictures - and then took pictures of ourselves taking pictures. i like pictures.

i also took pictures of my friend Kaz's crotch apparently.

then i took pictures of other people taking pictures of various body parts.

i drank blue light for power

the next day i got food poisoning, but there are no pictures of after i got it because no one wants to see that.

i'm currently brushing up on my stuffed animal taxidermy and voodoo rituals.