Saturday, September 15, 2007

Lost Time

Holy shit.

I had a birthday. I kinda keep forgetting that, except not really because it was pretty awesome. Hmm, I'm 27 and still saying 'awesome' . . . is there anything wrong with that?

Absolutely fucking not.

What is wrong is my job, which I am working on changing as soon as humanly possible. In the meantime I am discovering the joys of medical terminology.

27 is already shaping up to be better than 26. I'm making books again (instead of just stuck on one for the cousin) and just finished a sketchbook for Igor.

The boards before being attached to the textblock.

I should've gotten a shot of the spine before I handed the thing over, it's an exposed and stripy thing that looks like it isn't attached to a thing. It's quite a becoming spine if I do say so.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I can't seem to sleep tonight

This is in my head

and I can't figure out how to finish it . . .