Saturday, October 13, 2007

Pumpkin Ass

Autumn is the best time of year to me and also the most difficult because, as described before, I expect so much from the season and from myself during this time. Yeah, I always seem to forget it's not just my one big freak out, but a whole period of introspection and evaluation. It's hard to explain, but the best I can do it just keep telling myself that things are going to be alright - and keep up my fun Fall activities.

On Thursday I hosted a - resurrected Frankenstien-like from it's summer death - craft party. There was good snacks and drinks and of course pumpkin carving. There was even emergency pumpkin surgery when the unfortunate Gordy had to have his guts stuffed back into his mouth.

I think he's going to be okay.

The two good doctors (Isabella and Adriane) in charge of Gordy's cucurbitapepoplasty, also helped out his cousin, Gordo

They did a fine job.

Tiago also carved a mean pumpkin and my pictures don't quite do it justice.

There was knitting and sewing and just sitting on asses and critiquing what everyone else was doing.

More to come . . .

Sunday, October 07, 2007

And now's the season . . .

This really is the time of year I start to flourish. With the yearly - predictable and yet still incapacitating - personal crisis I seem to go through as Summer turns to Fall now fully behind me, I can concentrate on the things that really matter. That would be Halloween, corn mazes, turn of the century French slasher theater, and all around autumnal awesomeness.

So, I've already been to the non-haunted corn maze out on Sauvie Island - and, yes, I forgot to take my camera. Too bad for you, but it was fine for me as I got to concentrate on what really mattered, which was running around in the mud, making up stories about zombie hands with a rad eight-year-old and getting totally lost on a drizzly fall afternoon.

I went with Igor and Isabella and we not only completed the maze, but also ate candy pumpkins and puffed corn candy thingies, made animal noises to some barn animals that did not seem to appreciate it (although we did get to pet some calves), picked out some perfect pumpkins and learned about squashes we didn't even know existed.

All in all, a pretty good first trip to the pumpkin patch. (I fully intend to go again and brave the haunted corn maze, which supposedly was designed by the same guy who made the Lone Pine corn maze outside of Eugene. This maze scared the crap out of me and I fully enjoyed it.)

In news that I have pictures for, I've started to make headway on my costume.

And . . . Igor got a Wii! All I've played on it is the Wii sports, but even that is awesome! I've even already fucked up my finger by getting a little psycho with my Wii tennis swing. Sad? Yes. Totally fun and entertaining? Yes again.

More Autumnal fun to come.