Friday, March 28, 2008

I'm worried about the robots

I know how it makes me sound when I start going on about how in ten years time we'll all be the subjugated playthings of super robots - but I don't care.

Last week I spent most of my free time watching videos and reading articles on the smart machines that I will most likely have to fight when the war between biologicals and mechanicals begins.

Meet the foot soldier of the coming automaton plague:

Next we have the ones that we will first welcome into our homes, the ones that will infiltrate and then turn on us:

*be sure to read the "About This Video" for the full outline of all this little spy's chilling capabilities*

Finally meet the generalissimo, the commander (or as you will come to know it, you're benevolent and unfeeling dictator), ASIMO:

Here is a page outlining what those fools at Carnegie Mellon are doing.

Luckily for us, scientists have also found a way to help us grow back our limbs after they're hacked off by robotic killing machines

Now for those that are as worried as I am there is a book that, while not technically the most helpful, does have many useful tips. It's called How To Survive a Robot Uprising: Tips on Defending Yourself Against the Coming Rebellion by Daniel H. Wilson.

P.S. Don't think, just because this post deals with my huge fear of a robot born apocalypse, it means that I no longer want to become a kick-ass human/robot hybrid (cyborg for the geeks).
I still can't wait to get my Luke Arm.

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