Wednesday, May 07, 2008

I learned everything I needed to know about making wounds from Youtube (and a few other places)

I used liquid latex last night for the first time. I love it. It's a substance that looks like bad liquid foundation, but helps make amazing wounds of all sorts - and when it's drying over a layer of toilet paper on Igor's face, it looks like a horrible skin disease. I kept poking it.

When everything dried(two layers of latex sandwiching a layer of toilet paper)the effect was pretty cool, especially since the latex was "flesh" colored. At the start of the process I was a little worried even as I reassured Igor that 'no' I shouldn't put anything between the latex and his skin and that 'yes' it will peel right off when it's dry. (I think I sounded authoritative, but what did I know? I'd never worked with the stuff before.) Soon I will be a wound, bruise and decayed flesh making queen. Ah, just what I always dreamed of as a little girl.

I was excited before, but now I'm super excited for Saturday night to do the make up for the Zombie Prom.

Photos to come later (hopefully, if I remember my camera).

Update: And people say I'm paranoid.

Want to read more about this pint-sized bug of doom? What if I told you that it was from an article called BAE lands US Army minidroid horde contract? I know, I'm a reactionary, pessimistic nay-sayer - but I won't deny that I think we should all be worried about a group of machines that are described as a "robo-bug army" that can "spy out targets and intel for human commanders to act upon."

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