Saturday, March 10, 2007


I wrote this on Friday:

The end of the week and I feel pretty damn weak. Taxes, job interviews, scooters with white reflective paint, killer nuns and museum antics. I am done with this week - I just really hope it's done with me.

Me and Annalisa found a house that's going to work for us. We move on the 24th and I cannot wait to get out of this old house. Aside from the fact that it is on the fringes of what can be considered the city of Portland, it's also at the ass end of nowhere. Although, I'm starting to see more and more hipsters shuffling around Foster, so give it a few years and the yuppies will move in to gentrify everything.

Movies for me this week included "Killer Nun", a disturbing Italian film Igor gave me to watch. It's the kind of movie that made me laugh and then cover my eyes. A critical look at the Catholic church and repression, while also being the cheesiest thing I've seen in a while. I know they're nuns, but do they have to be so dramatic?

In secular news, I am now the proud owner of a 1987 Honda Spree, or, the tiniest street-legal scooter ever.

It was cheap, but it still needs its rear tire replaced, a new battery and one side mirror before it's ready for the open road (not to mention tags and insurance). I haven't even paid for it yet and I'm already trying to think up names for it. I'm thinking along the lines of Number 5, Fizgig, or Muffit. I'm thinking cheezy 80's Sci-Fi movie characters . . . any suggestions?

[I've since picked it up and it's now sitting at my house waiting to be loved. I think I freaked out unnecessarily about picking it up. I wanted to get the whole thing over with and it was stressing me out so I was really weird about the whole thing. Sorry to anyone I freaked out by being freaked out.]

Today was a blur of crappiness (I forgot keys to the off-site museum storage on the day I was supposed to let three groups of people in to look at the collection), followed by a weird interview out at Mt. Hood Community College. Why was I not aware that Gresham is so friggin' far away? Or that it's a totally different culture? I wore what I felt were comfortable, acceptable interview clothes - until I got outside city limits. Alright, call me a snob or an elitist, but I'll freely admit when I'm outside my comfort zone. Still, the people in the HR office were nice so I don't think I'd mind working out there. I think the interview went okay, but I can never tell. I hate interviews, mainly because it's really tiring to try and care what people think about you for a twenty-minute interview. Anyway, I have to wait until next week to find out if I was picked for the job or not.

So, another riveting, intermittent instalment of my life has come to a close and what have I learned: I enjoy movies about psychotic nuns, there's a vehicle out there for everyone, and I hate trying to impress someone.

Today: Good fucking riddance to a crappy week. Everything was made better last night when I went to the Delta Cafe with Annalisa, her sister and Shauna. An Old Fashioned and some southern fried catfish makes the world alright.

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