Friday, December 05, 2008

Long-time No-post

As usual and no-shit.

This is nothing new if you'll refer to the start of my last post "2 Months Gone: Not bad - considering how long I sometimes go without posting." Yeah, this time it's been closer to 6 months.

I've come to the conclusion that I spend *way* too much time looking at other people's creativity and not enough time being creative myself. With the amount of time I spend reading, cruising posts on Etsy and DeviantArt (the list actually goes on and on including BoingBoing, Craftster, Make, Instructables and has now expanded to include gawking at others' failed creativity through sites like Cakewrecks - Ooo I haven't looked at that for a while I go take a look - damn you Toby!), and watching good shows online, I should really be dedicating more time to my own writing and crafts.

Yet if you will take a moment to examine the preceding paragraph and do a surface analysis of its structural and grammatical makeup, you will see displayed the type of state my mind is in these days. Hell, just reread that last sentence and it should tell you something.

In short, I am all over the place. I want to write, I want to book bind, I want to embroider and cross stitch and learn crewel, I want to make costumes, I want to rollerskate and bike ride, I want to write a comic, I want to read comics endlessly, I want to finish my crappy fantasy series I inadvertently started reading and start reading about the sociology of crime. I want to do nothing but play video games and I want to get serious about learning Dutch. I can hardly decide to do one thing when I feel what I actually want to do is something else.

I also have tons of pics to post and I will post them at some point, but first I need to go in medias res (in a way) with some projects and finish them off. What I might also do is repost The Adventures of R in this very blog. I wrote this short series of very short stories about three years ago, starting during the time when I was living in the Bay Area. The main character is R and the stories are oddly sappy little snippets of things I felt, but never saw, during a misplaced time in my life.

'Course, by the time I get around to writing my next entry, things may have changed. We'll see.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

2 Months Gone

Not bad - considering how long I sometimes go without posting.

Igor is off in Amsterdam for a month. He's only been gone for a week and already I have finished four books (plan to have a fifth done by the end of this weekend), started a new job, finished up the fourth season of doctor who and written more on melancholia than I have in the last three months combined. Besides work and bike rides and the occasional drink, I have spent very little time outside my house.

This all leads me to the conclusion that I am a hermit and when I have someone else to be a hermit with I am a very unproductive hermit, but as an actual solitary hermit I am quite a little dynamo.

It also means I am not seeing my friends as much as I should, which I apologize for profusely. Just because I don't call or seem to want to hang out does not mean I don't like you anymore - it just means I am probably at home engaged in something geeky beyond words and I've assumed no one else could handle the level of geekiness of the activity.

On that note, may I just say, that the new Doctor Who series is brilliant and I hope it never ever ends or gets crappy.

I intend to do a catch up post with pictures of zombies and camping and attacking interdimensional silver dolphins very soon. Until then, it is past my bed time - or really just time to read some more 'til I fall asleep.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

I learned everything I needed to know about making wounds from Youtube (and a few other places)

I used liquid latex last night for the first time. I love it. It's a substance that looks like bad liquid foundation, but helps make amazing wounds of all sorts - and when it's drying over a layer of toilet paper on Igor's face, it looks like a horrible skin disease. I kept poking it.

When everything dried(two layers of latex sandwiching a layer of toilet paper)the effect was pretty cool, especially since the latex was "flesh" colored. At the start of the process I was a little worried even as I reassured Igor that 'no' I shouldn't put anything between the latex and his skin and that 'yes' it will peel right off when it's dry. (I think I sounded authoritative, but what did I know? I'd never worked with the stuff before.) Soon I will be a wound, bruise and decayed flesh making queen. Ah, just what I always dreamed of as a little girl.

I was excited before, but now I'm super excited for Saturday night to do the make up for the Zombie Prom.

Photos to come later (hopefully, if I remember my camera).

Update: And people say I'm paranoid.

Want to read more about this pint-sized bug of doom? What if I told you that it was from an article called BAE lands US Army minidroid horde contract? I know, I'm a reactionary, pessimistic nay-sayer - but I won't deny that I think we should all be worried about a group of machines that are described as a "robo-bug army" that can "spy out targets and intel for human commanders to act upon."

Friday, March 28, 2008

I'm worried about the robots

I know how it makes me sound when I start going on about how in ten years time we'll all be the subjugated playthings of super robots - but I don't care.

Last week I spent most of my free time watching videos and reading articles on the smart machines that I will most likely have to fight when the war between biologicals and mechanicals begins.

Meet the foot soldier of the coming automaton plague:

Next we have the ones that we will first welcome into our homes, the ones that will infiltrate and then turn on us:

*be sure to read the "About This Video" for the full outline of all this little spy's chilling capabilities*

Finally meet the generalissimo, the commander (or as you will come to know it, you're benevolent and unfeeling dictator), ASIMO:

Here is a page outlining what those fools at Carnegie Mellon are doing.

Luckily for us, scientists have also found a way to help us grow back our limbs after they're hacked off by robotic killing machines

Now for those that are as worried as I am there is a book that, while not technically the most helpful, does have many useful tips. It's called How To Survive a Robot Uprising: Tips on Defending Yourself Against the Coming Rebellion by Daniel H. Wilson.

P.S. Don't think, just because this post deals with my huge fear of a robot born apocalypse, it means that I no longer want to become a kick-ass human/robot hybrid (cyborg for the geeks).
I still can't wait to get my Luke Arm.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

It's a Shiny New Post! First o' the Year and Only 3 Months Late

How long . . . let's just skip all that and dive right in.

How I feel today: i'm a little scattered, like a torn up sheet of paper tossed into the wind; i know i'm supposed to be whole and there is a certain way i fit together, but i'm all over the place and i can't tell how all the pieces go together. That's actually how i've been feeling for the last couple weeks.

General Update: For the last month (holy shit it has been almost a month) I have been homeless. Not the hobo type of homeless, no riding open-bed cars under the stars or cans of beans warmed carefully over trashcan fires stoked under train bridges. I've been homeless in that I've had no house to call my own, but thanks to understanding friends and a tolerant Igor I have kept a roof over my head.

Update of the Future: This very Saturday (knock on wood, kiss a rabbit's foot, rub a leprechaun's left nut) Annalisa, Marry Ann and I will be moving into our new house. Once we get settled in I'll have pictures and start working on my in-patient projects again.

Here's what to look for in the following months:
coptic binding
tax blues
rollerskating shenanigans
more fun with reactive polymers
maybe even some fine writing